Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Final touches...

Another picture is placed in my wallpaper and remember to rename you layer for it. After that, I use the Quick Mask method again to crop out the image I wanted. Then, of course using the Eraser Tool to remove unwanted pieces.

File> Place

Quick Mask Mode + Eraser Tool

After that is done, as usual I wanted to add a few effects to my image, so I went to Levels to do so.

Image> Levels

After Levels

Well, after placing the last picture, I felt like adding more things to my wallpaper as it looks a bit plain at some part. So I chose to add some wishes to my wallpaper. I first clicked the Type Tool, then type out the wishes that I want with the font of Nueva Std and size to 30pt.

Type Tool to type out the wishes

Change text size and text type

Next, I put some effects to the words by going to Blending options> Drop Shadow & Color Overlay.

Blending options> Drop Shadow

Color Overlay

Finally, I adjusted the position of everything a little bit more and my wallpaper is now FINISH!! :] Remember to save it after everything is done.

The Finish Wallpaper~ :]


  1. Your Christmas tree looks out of balance. The right side looks blur.

  2. Any music for your E-wall paper?
