Friday, November 12, 2010

Layers layers~

So to start off, the first thing and also most important, from whatever picture you are about to edit, you need to have layers. This is because with layers, you are able to edit your pictures or photos without any worries that you might accidentally ruin the original picture/photo. Let begin~

First, I opened a new file in A4 size, then I click Place in the File tab to place the picture I want as a background for my wallpaper.

File> New

File> Place > background

I then pulled the picture until it is same with the A4 background.

pulled picture until desire size

Next, I opened up a new layer....

From the below right corner, click the icon that says 'Create New Layer'.
Before we move on, it is also important if we name our layers. Why? This is because to ensure that we will not get confuse while editing our pictures/photos, and also it will be much easier to manage with.

So for this, I am naming my 'Layer 1' to 'Merry Christmas'.

Double-clicked the text, then rename it.

Ok, so the next step I'm going to do is to add some text to the picture. In order to do so, click the Type Tool, and choose the Horizontal Type Tool.

Type Tool

Next, I typed out the words 'Merry Christmas'. As you can see below, the text seems to be too small to read, so I choose to re-size the text to 90pt and also change the text type to Monotype Corsiva.

Typed out 'Merry Christmas'

Change text size to 90 and text type to Monotype Corsiva.

After that, I would like to add more texture and color to my text as it looks a bit dull. So I right-clicked the Merry Christmas layer and choose Blending Options.

Right-clicked 'Merry Christmas' layer
and choose Blending Options.

After clicking, a form will appear, I chose to add a little shadow behind my text so I tick the Drop Shadow box. Also, I would like to add colors to my text, so again I tick the Color Overlay and chose the color green for my text.

Tick Drop Shadow

Tick Color Overlay and chose the color green

After that is done, I wanted the text to be warp as well. So in order to so, you need to click the Create warped text at the top right of the page. (before this, you need to click the Type Tool button first in order to see it)

click Create warped text

I wanted my text to curve upwards so I chose Rise from the option.

Choose Rise and adjust the setting I wanted.

Bevel and Emboss

Besides that, I also tick the Bevel and Emboss so that the text will pop out more.I also adjusted the text a little to the position I wanted and Tadaa~ the finish product!! :]

Before saving, I deleted the Background layer because it is unnecessary already. So after that, I saved my finish product.

Unlock background> drag into bin

File>Save As and save in PSD file.

So that's about what I did for my wallpaper so far using layers. With it, it made editing quite easy for me to do and I do not have to worry if I did anything wrong to the original piece as I can just refer back to my layers.

Well, that's about it for now, but there's still more editing to be done for my wallpaper which I will update soon. Cheers~ :]

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